Sunday, July 28, 2019

Comicon Eats Recommendation

If you make it out to any of the Peninsula Cons, be sure to drive a few miles to the West on Highway 112, and see if these folks have their stand set up. They usually do, in the summer. Check the bottom of the page for their dates and places. They're a happy little independent business who will be happy to see any of you. Their email post is long, but amusing. And their products are YUMMY.

We ARE rolling! Our bake day was TOTALLY successful in all ways ... EVERYTHING turned out beautifully. A more beautiful thing ... and SUCH HELP! ... we finished moving family out here this week, too, making all this possible, and a 3rd generation in training:)

Reminder:  ALL the bread products are AUTHENTIC sourdough, therefore enzyme rich AND the GLUTEN, PHYTATES, & ENZYME INHIBITORS have been BROKEN DOWN and NEUTRALIZED for easy, human digestion, due to the LONG FERMENTATION PROCESS (most with gluten intolerance can eat this bread) ... AND the fermentation process converts bread into a high protein food, not high carbohydrate. In the Human Longevity film, centurions from Europe said wouldn't think of eating a meal without bread ... bread is their staple ... but it's sourdough, and they don't use glyphosates (RoundUp that "bind proteins") in Europe ... other countries do not have gut issues like Americans do eating bread, and bread is a STAPLE, EATEN WITH EVERY MEAL (sourdough) ... nor do Americans who visit Europe, but Europeans can't come to America and eat our bread (except ours), or they're sick their whole vacation.

AND super important, ALL ingredients are non-GMO, plus authentic sourdough has a LOW GLYCEMIC INDEX of 53, pumpernickel even low of 43 ... conventional bread has a high glycemic index of over 73.

Here's the lineup:

Regular authentic sourdough bread (GOLDEN breads, with turmeric, ginger & pepper, which synergistically work together, are listed below this).

White (many call it "sourdough", but all bread products are sourdough), our MOST POPULAR,Jalapeno/cheddar cheese bread (another super POPULAR bread), Multigrain whole wheat bread (veryhealthy & hearty, fresh-ground org. wheat, fresh-ground FLAX SEEDS which sooooooo good for you, millet, oats, sesame seeds), White (lighter) multigrain whole wheat ... a lighter half & half mix bread (more white flour in the multi-grain whole wheat), Pumpernickel (we also fresh-grind org. rye "berries" into flour, and rye is the best for clean arteries,AND it's made with raw cacao powder, considered a "superfood, onion & garlic)Triple berry "bead pie"Apple "bread pie,Peach "bread pie,"Cinnamon Roll Bread with walnuts and raisins"Bread pie" individual serving, is back ... Apple, and Triple berry.

GOLDEN (turmeric)* sourdough breads

WhiteMultigrain whole wheat, and Pumpernickel.

"Let food be thy medicine, and medicine be thy food."  

If you don't care for the taste of GOLDEN sourdough breads, make French toast, meatloaf, various sandwiches, egg, tuna, peanut butter & jam, etc etc etc. to hide the taste ... surprisingly delicious ... pumpernickel is already so flavorful, it also hides the taste very well ... but once you get used to it, it's not noticed anymore, even with small kids, just like when we get used to sourdough. My husband HAS To HAVE 2 SLICES first thing in the morning (he loves toast) or  physically hurts too bad to move (super bad back) ... I eat it daily for preventative reasons, one slice does it for me. 

MAINTENANCE daily dose recommendations of TURMERIC is 1,000-3,000 mg, which can be taken daily for a lifetime (remember, "You can take up to 12,000 mg (12 grams) of turmeric per day w/o side effects for curative issues (conservative side says 8 grams)." For CURATIVE, THERAPEUTIC DOSE - required when we have some issues ... for example cancer patients needing quick action, or say, suffering with arthritis pain and you take large dosages ... it acts like a strong painkiller and helps you.  This can go on for some time, but then cut back to preventive dosage as soon as the body is back in shape (see my previous newsletters)

There are 17 slices of bread in a loaf, one slice equivalent to approximately 1,000 mg. of turmeric, though having more power and assimilation than taking it any other way because of the FERMENTATION PROCESS, the predigested sourdough process it's been through. Add butter (or coconut oil for butter), and it assimilates even more. Usually turmeric needs a "carrier oil", too. I don't know if it does when fermented (in sourdough), but we "butter" everything (usually with coconut oil, flax seed oil, pasture fed butter, olive oil ... healthy fats), because we don't get enough "good fat" in the usual American diet.

COOKIES:  gingersnickerdoodlepeanut butterchocolate chip, & oatmeal raisin

BROWNIES: This (butter) & Jalapeno/cheddar cheese bread is the only product we have that HAS DAIRYin it.  Everything else we use ORGANIC PALM FRUIT SHORTENING. Brownies and cookies are the only things we use eggs in.

PIE ... our pie crust is made with organic palm fruit shortening, unbleached pastry flour & sea salt

9" "pie pockets" ... triple berry (Marionberry blackberry, raspberry, blueberry), Marionberry blackberry,and apple.

"Stogies" plain AND with WALNUTS ... made out of our pie crust, which is made with organic palm fruit shortening ... like grandma used to do with left over pie dough, roll out, sprinkle with organic evaporated cane sugar & cinnamon ... but we roll them up like cigars then bake them, so they're easy to handle.

Look for the hot pink signs!! ... We'll be...BEing here... with our "bread wagons":

  • FRIDAY:  Port Angeles, between Mt. Pleasant IGS & Dave Barnier Auto, about 2950 Hwy. 101, east of PA, 11:00 - 5:00 (Friday only in PA.)
  • FRIDAY : Hwy. 112 pull-off, halfway between PA & Joyce, mp 57, 10:30 - 6:00ish
  • SATURDAYHwy. 112 pull-off again, halfway between PA & Joyce, mp 57 or so, 10:00 - 2:00ish ... he has to leave earlier this week. 

In Light*Joy*Love*Gratitude
"the bread lady"

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Comic Book Swap Meet 2019

Steve Strout, justly proud.
Once again, Steve Strout, the fearless leader of the Comic Book Swap Meets, has put on a great show.

It took place in the Tri-Area Community Center in Chimacum. It attracted a Nerdom hungry to see and share everything we had to offer.

Let me back up a bit. It started for me when I drove to Port Angeles for an errands Friday - driver's license renewal, get my nose stud changed from the healer hook to the little sparkly jewel, get parts for the guitars and ukulele from Peninsula Music (friendly, well-stocked, PATIENT). Then I stayed overnight at Toadlily Hostel in town. 

Brew and Candy!
After getting some more errands done, I strolled down to the New Moon Cafe to try out their home brews. Specifically to conduct an experiment. Remember when "experts" said wine and chocolate didn't go tegether? I decided what I could pair up with beer that "didn't go." So I dropped in to the candy shop down by Anime Kat Comics and Games and picked up a few samples. 

Let me tell you, Marionberry and dark chocolate sticks are lovely with ginger 6% cider, and Licorice All Sorts are even better. I didn't get any Boston Baked Beans because the candy shop folks and I decided those would already be a hit with beer.

My table and me in my Ka-Blam tshirt - the BEST
print-on-demand floppy printer with
prices comparable to the 80's!
There I met a gentleman from the Caribbean, named Alex, and as the sun set and the moon rose, we became the core of a porch party. Silliness reigned.

Next morning, got up early, made coffee for everybody, and was on my way. Took me about an hour to get there. It's a big State, and the Peninsula is the size of some States.

Steve squeezed me in - on a table just RIGHT for me!
The Peninsula gots prop skilz!

See the Tardis? THERE ARE MASQUERADE PLANS. Opttacon won the use of it. Be prepared!

Of course there was a charity auction and food bank collection. No comicon is complete without charitable work. I didn't win anything, but lots of happy people did! Some folks bought a bunch of tickets and then didn't show up for the drawing - just to donate. 

Charity auction - comicons doing good.
I hit every table saying POSE FOR THE BLOG - and didn't they just?

And then I took a "shortcut" home, and ended up on Egg and I Road and wandering around until I found a tourist couple with a GPS. Just because I know the West End of the Peninsula doesn't mean I know the East.