This is getting odd. It's one thing to see story ideas or characters that resemble each other, because there's been a lot of genre-borrowing over the centuries.
And then there's some very specific stuff that is so oddly the same you start to wonder.
My comics, The Desert Peach, and Stinz, have had a world-wide audience for years. I'm beginning to wonder if other creatives who know my work - especially writers in much more recent film and animation - are throwing little Easter Eggs to me. I would be so delighted if they were.
I can't prove this. Just take a look and think about it.
ZOOTOPIA: There are a bunch of stupid wolves guarding the secret project. In Stinz, there are a bunch of bachelor wolves my fans call The Stupid Wolves. They even look somewhat like the ones in Zootopia - and they're about as bright.
I wouldn't think that was enough to prove those are my images - but look at the secret installation on the lake with its causeway, and then look at the mill and the mill-race in Stinz. The two things together have me wondering. What do you think?
THE HATEFUL EIGHT: This is really an oddly one. In Tarantino's movie, Sam Jackson shows up as a man who famously served in the Union army as a Major. So he's the Black Major. That's just one point - but his old enemies have a ransom on his aging head? Stinz was the Black Major - and had a ransom on him. And had gotten old.
FROZEN: I know there's a reindeer in the original Snow Queen. But the role of the reindeer and the person who rides him is much more like Udo and his reindeer in The Desert Peach. What do you think about that in addition to the birch trees?
THE GOOD LIAR: This one is sensitive. First and foremost, the REAL bad guys in that movie are the Nazis, that screw up two families SO BAD.
"Taub" is commonly a Jewish name in Germany. Jews who were officially Germans - yes, the Nazis took over the roll of the Rabbis in saying who was Jewish - served in the German army. They could visit their official Jewish relatives in camps before the war started, and all access were closed to the camps, which were then devoted to extermination.
Taub's relatives seem to have already died in the camps. This is a weird complex idea, and you see it in The Desert Peach, between Udo and Leutnant Winzig.
It's what makes the movie even more horrible. I'm not saying anybody saw this - because this kind of stuff happened all the time.
There you go. If these are coincidences, so be it. But if they're Easter Eggs - thanks, guys!
Final note: one Stinz character is the village blacksmith. He has a pet black rooster who is really a demon. One of the woodcutters up here has a pet red rooster who follows him everywhere.
Both birds are named "Chicken."